Wednesday, 20 January 2016

The biggest enemy of a believer's Spiritual growth is Sin, which came after again and again. And this become a biggest Weakness of one believer. But today I want to tell you if Sin is Your Weakness then make Jesus Your Strength. Paul says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippines 4:13). So if Drugs is Your Weakness then make Jesus Your Strength to Leave it. If Adultery is Your Weakness then make Jesus your Strength to be Holy. If speaking Lie is Your Weakness then make Jesus Your Strength to speak Truth. If any other Sin is Your Weakness then make Jesus your Strength to overcome it with a prayer.

Prayer - God I prayed that I am weak. Many times I fall in a Sin in order to fulfil my earthly desires. Today I completely surrender before you. Kindly forgive me and help me for true repentance. Let your son be my strength for my each and every weakness. Help me to overcome the Sin and grow in your son Lord Jesus Christ in Jesus name! Amen!

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